
"What My Clients Say... How Coaching Changed Their Game!"

"I am enthusiastically writing about how you can benefit from taking advantage of participating.

In Kumiko Rodewald’s Mental Coaching in your pursuit of a better golf game. The program covered topics so clearly helpful, I was able to demonstrably deliver a solidly better performance for the season. Following the lessons and ideas of the program, I found myself executing shots with expected outcomes. I was able to see how “mental” the game truly was and how that affected my performance.  And in applying learned during the program, the lessons my level of confidence increased with each round played. In April 2020, my index was 17.0. By mid-summer my index was under 9.5. The enjoyment of scoring. Under 85 and pursuing 80 was just a daydream prior to participating in this program. It is absolutely one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done with respect to golf game instruction.

Kumiko is a fun, enthusiastic and knowledgeable coach with a sincere desire to help the golfer who wants that “accountability” needed to achieve their goals.

Do you love golf? You owe it to yourself to seek out Kumiko and her program to enrich your love of this great game and shoot your best scores!"

COLIN YORKE, Hicksville, New York

 "My daughter, Passion has traveled around the world such as USKids World Championship, IMG Junior World, FCG, Callaway World, and many more in Asia.

I have tried several mental coaches but none could relate to what is going on in my 13-year-old competitive golfer daughter.

Kumiko is my best finding of a golf mental coach. After the 2nd session, I could see a lot of changes in my daughter. She was more confident in her tournaments and is able to go through difficult situations. Kumiko is ever so patient. Whenever I tell her what I observed during the game, she could immediately tell me what she plans to do and it is golf related, unlike other mental coaches who dont really understand what is going on from a competitive golfer and as a parent point of view. Kumiko could totally relate to everything that I was trying to tell her and what my daughter was experiencing. It is so important to find a Golf Mental Coach and not just any sports mental coach. They maybe mental coaches too but they can't understand what is going on in Golf.

My daughter is always looking forward to sessions with Kumiko.

Thank you, Kumiko for being such a gem to my athlete!"

- Pearl Lua 

Passion Hsu
The youngest WAGR (World Amateur Golf Rankings) member in Singapore
Singapore Golf Association Junior Golf National Team member

"Before I met Kumiko, I was struggling a lot with my game. Even though I was practicing twice as much, when the tournaments arrived, I couldn’t perform as I knew I could. During one of the first tournaments in my last spring season, I shot one of my highest scores ever in college. I was so frustrated with my game, I couldn’t understand what was going on because I was hitting the ball solidly, my swing felt harmonious, but in my mind, I wasn’t at peace. I was putting a lot of pressure on myself because it was my senior year, and I was worrying too much about not being good enough.

After my highest round, I decided to work more on my mental game, since I felt the swing and golf talent was there and that I could do so much better with guidance. After only two great sessions with Kumiko, I started to have better performance and I instantly got low results as I knew I could. She helped me to control my overthinking in the course and, Kumiko taught me how to control my thoughts from the tee box until the end of the hole. She didn’t just tell me to think “shot by shot” as everyone says, instead, Kumiko made me analyze what was I thinking before every shot, she helped me to start thinking how I was going to make a birdie in every tee box that I approached. I not only started to consistently shoot low scores, but I also finish my college career by winning the National Championship, which wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t meet Kumiko.

I’m very grateful for all that she has taught me, and I’m excited about the continuous improvement of my game with the help of Kumiko."

Anahi Servin

2022 NCAA Division II Individual National Champion

"I have been working with Kumiko on my mental golf game for several years. We primarily focus on positive thinking, clearing the mind prior to the swing and performing well under pressure. Based on Kumiko’s guidance my entire attitude towards golf has changed. Fear and doubt have been replace with confidence and conviction. Prior to the shot I know it will be a good one or I simply step out of the box and reset. My scores and enjoyment of the game have both dramatically improved. Thanks Kumiko!"

IAN S. Portland Oregon

"I highly recommend Kumiko Rodewald as a mental golf coach. Some of her strengths are as follows. (1) She is able to calmly and positively help me direct and redirect my golf thoughts away from the negative/fear/doubts to a positive and ultimately unconscious way of playing the game. (2) As a highly accomplished amateur player – even though she took up the game as an adult – her advice is more worthy of confidence, because she has been through it all, good and bad. (3) To me, her mental golf coaching is similar and parallel to the work of Dr Bob Rotella whose work I also follow. We are working on bringing my scores from the nineties to the seventies, but really we are working on playing better and having more fun. Golf can be so frustrating and difficult, so have such a great ally is big help."

MARK THESING Lake Oswego, Oregon

"I have been fortunate enough to work with Kumiko a number of times now. She has a great understanding of not only golf, but all aspects of life. I’ve left every session with Kumiko feeling like I’ve improved my entire psyche. As a collegiate golfer looking to compete in the NCAA postseason, I’ve learned that the mental side of the game can change everything, and Kumiko knows how to make anyone’s better. She is also fantastic with helping others handle stress off the course, which as we know, can spread to all parts of our lives. Overall, I would highly recommend Kumiko to anyone looking to improve their game and their life as a whole."

Jake W. Portland Oregon

3 problems I had before I met Kumiko:

  • Staying in my shell or comfort zone typically making wrong decisions.
  • Worrying about score constantly and anxiety involved with results.
  • Fear or belief of being as good as other golfers.

Kumiko helped me through these challenges in a number of ways. We worked on visualization, improving with laws of attraction, and letting go/freeing up to trust myself.

Learning to let go was the hardest for me and I still am a work in progress. I would feel like I couldn’t let go because I didn’t trust my swing, but when I would free up I would see the mechanics I was looking for. Hard to trust those mechanics are always going to be there but learning to free up and let go helped me to stay in the moment and remove tension from my golf swing and shoot better scores.

The visualization work helped me to be confident and believe in myself and my objectives. I learned that it was an all day practice as well. I learned that my energy and how I carried myself became way better. I would walk in the grocery store like I was the US Open champion and I would walk on the tee box like I was Adam Scott, the best driver in the world. These helped me feel so much more secure in myself I thought as a golfer, but I have learned as a person as well.

I would say where I got the strongest was in laws of attraction. I truly believe that I have been able to attract many things in life because of that strong belief and conviction I have developed. My wife and I had hour first child this fall and I worked really hard to attract good health for my wife and son and that he would be a good sleeper and everything would go as smoothly as possible. Starting at just 8 weeks old he has been sleeping completely through the night. He has been completely healthy, barely cries and is always happy and smiling. I believe I attracted this because I refused to believe or even give any thought that anything else would happen.

I am seeing every day how I have benefited from this personal growth.

As I have started a new job, I am seeing every day where I have improved. I stepped into an industry I don’t have experience and I am insecure about that but visualizing myself and as the best manager and team member every day helps me to get over any of those mental hurdles. In addition good things keep happening to me and my division and I don’t think it’s a coincidence I believe I am attracting that. Also every day I am thinking about golf tournaments I will play in the future and how I will succeed in them.

TIM HALL Portland Oregon

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